Oh, my goodness! Where did this snow come from? And it is cold, brrrrrrrrrrr! I helped feed and clean the dogs at the fairgrounds again this morning. I think they are down to about 58 dogs give or take. I think 5 went out yesterday to Shelby County and another 4 went to Clark County today. Our Molly continues to get comfortable in her new "forever" home. She wasn't so sure about going out into the snow but once she ventured out onto the deck, she ran and played as though it was her first romp in the snow. (which it probably was) As we walked through the woods we noticed the turkey vultures who appeared to be frozen to the branches of the sycamore tree. I bet they were wondering why they came back so early. Here's to a giant warm-up very, very soon!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27
SPRING? Where are YOU?? Can't believe it was 27 degrees when I was driving in to church this morning. When it did warm up this afternoon, Molly and I went outside to take down the Christmas lights from the trees out back. Hey, it isn't Easter yet so I still had a little more time! That being said, now all I need to do is to get all of the branches and downed trees out of my yard. I think I have a little time before the grass greens up since I heard that we may get snow on Wednesday. Last week kept us busy. Andy subbed 1/2 day on Monday and I worked at the fairgrounds caring for the dogs 3 days. Tuesday was zoo day and Saturday was docent training from 8 until 5. Mix in watching as many basketball games that we could stay awake for and the week was gone. Molly is doing great. What a sweet dog she is. She seems to be house broken and hasn't had any accidents since last Monday. She actually likes going outside now and is exploring farther and farther away from the house. Today we walked the small loop through the woods and she seemed to really enjoy herself. She chased the ground hog again this afternoon and she likes to chase the outside cats. I think she only chases things that run away from her. She doesn't seem to pay much attention to the 2 cats that we have inside. Of course Muffin won't come downstairs. She is pouting while E.T. just acts indignant when ever Molly is around. Stay warm....spring has to be right around the corner!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday, March 21
Last night was a little shaky. Molly does not, as I had been led to believe, find her kennel a place of security. She has instead made a nest in front of our couch, complete with a blanket that I gave her and any thing that smells like me. At present count, that would include her green doggie, a pair of my socks, one of my slippers that she carried from the bedroom and a doggie chew that she won't chew. Last night she barked like a banshee in the kennel until finally at 1 a.m., I let her out and she went immediately to her nest and I slept on the couch next to her. At 4 a.m. I went back to bed and left her sleeping in her nest. At 7 I got up to let her out and when I grabbed my jeans beside the bed, I realized that she had come into the room and peed on my pants. I guess I am officially hers now. I hope this will not be a nightly trend.
We went to the vet today and he gave her a clean bill of health. She now weighs 74 lbs. and Dr. Knowles thinks she should weigh about 60 lbs. He also thinks she is between 4 or 5 years old. He believes that she is a Newfoundland/Yellow Lab mix because of the roundness of her head. Other than needing lots of exercise she is now legal, complete with rabies vaccine, microchip and dog license.
Mr B has been a real comedian commenting on several occasions about her pretty markings. Today he took Molly out twice for a walk. He may have a motive. Perhaps he is thinking about training her to bring in the paper. And perhaps someday she may, but if it were today, it would end up in her nest.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sunday, March 20
We are once again a dog family. I filled out the adoption papers and picked up our "sweetie" after church today. She was not quite as perfect as I thought at first. As soon as we were loaded in the truck, I got about a mile down the road and I smelled that awful fresh poop smell. She had unloaded on the blanket in the back seat of our King Ranch. Then she stepped in it before I could pull over to clean it up and it was pretty much everywhere in the back. She was pretty restless until I turned up the radio and I think she is a music lover. She has explored a lot of our yard. Our outside cats looked mortified when they saw her. My black fluffy cat puffed up so much that she looked like a small dog herself. I haven't seen Muffin or E.T. so I don't know how they are going to react but I'm guessing it won't be a joyous greeting. I have discovered that "Molly", I think that is what we are going to name her, does not have any idea of how to play. She won't let me get out of her sight for now but she is settling in and we are watching the Buckeyes and she is sitting on my feet. The vet today gave me the papers from her vet check when she arrived at the emergency shelter and they estimated her age at 4-5 years and she weighed 70 lbs. Mr. B is snoring in his chair right now and she is giving him the strangest look! Too funny. I have to keep reminding myself that she has be looked up in a hog barn for most of her life and everything must seem so foreign to her here. It is going to take a little time but she is a fabulous dog already so I am really excited to see what she will be like with a little training and socialization. Right now she needs a bath in the worst way but I think that will have to wait until tomorrow. I don't want to stress her out, she has had a pretty big day already.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Saturday, March 19
It has been an exhausting week and I am finally home and catching up on some March Madness. Today was Docent Training class, we are training a new group of volunteers. I spent Thursday and Friday at the Franklin County Fairgrounds cleaning dog crates and feeding dogs. Yesterday we were at the fairgrounds at 7 am to load the 60+ dogs that were shipped out to various shelters in Pennsylvania, New York, Washington DC and West Virginia. Another 30+ dogs were slated to go out this morning to Atlanta. The good news is that the number of dogs left should be around 90. Not too bad considering that there were 360 dogs there 2 weeks ago. The big news is that although I resisted for the entire week, yesterday I met a dog that stole my heart. I had not been assigned to clean the cages in the stall where she was until yesterday. When I opened her crate she came out and immediately began licking my face. What a sweet heart. She is a Newfoundland/Labrador mix, so as you may have guessed, she is a large black dog. She has medium long hair but she isn't quite as heavy through the body as a full blooded Newfoundland. The vet said she was at least a year old and in very good health. She was assessed by the behavior team as a P+ or perfect placement. She has a very sweet disposition and shows no aggression towards people or dogs. I hope she likes cats! I am a little nervous since it has been over 2 years since we've had a dog but I think it is time. I will have a picture tomorrow, that's when we pick her up. (we aren't allowed to take pictures of the dogs in the barn) Right now I'm trying to come up with a name for this big lovable fur ball. Some names that I have come up with:
Sophie (sweet/German) Chena (river/Eskimo),
Kiska (pure/Russian) Brita (strength/German),
Brynlee (burnt meadow/English) Eska (creek/Eskimo)
Misu (rippling brook/Native American) Newfie (I'm sure Matt would like this one!)
Maybe I should have a naming contest like they do at the zoo. The winner could watch our dog while we are on vacation!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tuesday, March 15
I had to go back and read my last post because it has been so long that I forgot what I wrote last. The weather is typical March Ohio weather, cold, wet, icy and gray with a small dose of sunshine every once in a while. Hopefully, better weather is on the way. Let's see...the latest news on Lily is that the oncologist was very pleased with the last MIBG scan. Lily broke her leg soon after that news and she is on her second cast. It seems the pink one must have been a little loose and she managed to crawl out of it. She now has a pretty yellow one at Luke's request.
The waters of the Little Darby are back within it's banks, at least for now. My turkey vultures are back and roosting in our woods and I'm sure they are wondering what prompted them to arrive in this cold wet weather. Our good friends Margeaux and Jeremy had their baby last Sunday. Little Alyia weighed in at 5lbs. 4 oz. and is absolutely perfect. Of course while I was holding her I was thinking that it would take two of her to make one of our Sara who weighed in at a whopping 11lbs 4 oz.
I have been volunteering at the Franklin Co. Fairgrounds caring for the dogs that were confiscated from the Clark county hoarding case. There were over 35o dogs when I went on Friday. There have been a number of dogs adopted and the number is now closer to 250. I am amazed at the number of volunteers and the number of donations that have been at the fairgrounds. I am going back on Thursday and Friday. I am secretely hoping that one dog I have been watching has found a home or I may have to bring it home with me. Not sure what my cats will think of that. Many of the dogs looked very good and it was apparent that they had belonged to a family at one time. But there are others that are either very dominant or very timid. While cleaning cages there are a number of dogs that won't leave the security of their crates. The dogs are systematically being sent out to be spayed and neutered, a neccessity evidenced by the arrival of two litters of pups after their arrival at the fairgrounds. I think Bob Barker had the right idea reminding people to "have your pets spayed or neutered!" The public is welcome to come take a look at the remaining dogs if they are interested in adopting. Several volunteers have already taken dogs home.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6
Today our handbell choir played for the residents at the Madison House. It is always so enjoyable to perform there. The front row were all members of our United Methodist Church in West Jeff. They thanked us over and over again. Tomorrow Mr. B is subbing 1/2 day for Ms. Kitchen's 8th grade science class. Have a great week every one!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Saturday, March 5
Well, so much for the spring-like weather. The rain today was down right depressing. The water is back in the yard higher than before so probably even more debris will be left behind. And now they are saying we will have snow in the morning. I'm ready to pack my bags and move to Hawaii with Sara and Matt! We did finally get news from Lily's oncologist. He said it is common for "artifacts" as well as neuroblastoma cells to show up in the MIBG scan. What that means, I have no idea, but the doctor doesn't seem too concerned. I guess they will compare these results to the next one in 3 months. Trish seemed pretty pleased with the news but just when we thought things might be getting back to normal something else happens. Lily and Luke were playing at an indoor play area and she broke her leg. She is now sporting a pretty neon pink cast from her toes up to the top of her left leg. X-rays showed a spiral fracture of the fibula. She was a trooper, as usual, and was very good as they put the cast on. Hopefully, she will be healed enough in 5 weeks to get it off before they leave for Hawaii to see Aunt Sara and Uncle Matt. Please keep Lily and Mommy and Daddy in your prayers! Oh, and Luke wants that cast off of Lily's leg "right now!".
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Thursday, March 2
Wow, was that the sun we saw today. What a beautiful day despite the cool wind it almost felt like spring. The water in our yard is finally subsiding but oh, how many sticks and branches there are cluttering the yard. When it finally drys out we are going to be pretty busy. The water in the yard has been attracting many birds. The crazy robins that insist on staying here all winter were checking the edge of the water line looking for worms and great looking pair of wood ducks hung out long enough for me to snap a few pictures. I also saw my first turkey vulture today circling around the John Deere store this afternoon. The Hinkley buzzards always return on March 17 but our residents that roost in our woods usually return like clock work on March 10.
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