The Foulk family is back home and recovering from jet lag and the time change. I imagine that it will be tough adjusting to the stormy weather after all those sunny 80 degree days as well.
Yesterday, Mr. B and I went to look at the Big Darby Headwaters Project in Logan county. Mr. Jainshig (Uncle Gary), left a sizable amount of his estate to the Nature Conservancy. We had hoped that there would be a project in Madison County that could be named for Gary but there just wasn't anything here. They have proposed a trail be named for Gary. A trail is being built this summer that will lead to an overlook at the headwaters or source of the Big Darby Creek. The drive there is only about 40 minutes and is between Mad River Mountain and Rt. 33 near the Honda Plant. We were very pleased with the proposal and the idea that there will be signage telling about the project and also a biography explaining a little about Gary. The trail, which will branch off of the existing trail that we were on, will be about a mile out to a new platform. The platform will overlook the source of the Big Darby Creek. The project is scheduled to be finished in the fall. Our hope is to have students from West Jeff visit the area as a field trip. Andy and I both agree that Gary would be very pleased to be connected to a project that helps to protect the Big Darby. We will let everyone know when the ribbon cutting will be. The rains held off just long enough to get us about a half mile away from the parking lot. Needless to say we did get wet but it did not dampen our spirits. I couldn't help but think that Gary was probably getting quite a chuckle out of the whole scene.