Today Luke and I are on our own while Mommy, Daddy and Lily drive up to CHOP (Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia) to get her radio active isotope injection for tomorrow's MIBG scan. Amazingly, Luke slept in until 8:30. We almost forgot that Luke had swim lessons today. He had a small melt down when he first got up but eventually, after a sprinkle donut from Dunkin Donuts, was ready to give it a try. It was his last class in this session and he did great and was passed on to the advanced Pike class. After showering and dressing we played on the YMCA playground and then went to Friendly's for lunch. Luke was really hungry and ate his hamburger sliders, apples and a Conehead sundae. Then it was on to Toys R Us for his promised toy. After about 30 minutes he decided on a dragon castle. For Lily, we purchased a Sesame Street play TV remote because Luke doesn't like it when "sister" gets the remote and changes channels while he is watching tv. The weather was perfect today with temps nearing 70 so when we got back home we played out in the backyard for several hours.
Lily's appointment was at 1:30 but they didn't get in for the injection until after 3. There seemed to be some confusion about sedation for the IV but they arrived here a little before 7. Lily had a splint on her arm because they left the port in her arm so they won't have to stick her again in the morning. They have to check in tomorrow morning by 7 am. I will be watching Luke until noon and then Carlo and Nancy, friends of Trish and Chad's will watch him until Trish, Chad and Lily get home. I need to head home because I am on the Docent Training Committee which meets every Saturday until April 2. Keep Lily in your prayers since this test will indicate the presence of any new nueroblastoma growth.
Mr. B seems to be doing ok. He spent Monday at the Retired Teacher luncheon at the Der Dutchman and seems to be keeping busy getting the ice off the decks. Of course I'm pretty sure the 50 degree weather is making that job a lot easier.
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