Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28

I just love fall mornings. They are beautifully quiet and serene. Mr. Bichler and I talked a lot this morning about the results of the accident. He really feels that he is getting back to his old self. He confided that the most difficult part of recovery is regaining his confidence. I'm pretty sure that his day working the stream table on the field trip and his first day substituting have gone a long way in reinforcing how well he really is doing. We did get some pretty disappointing news today from OSU College of Optometry. Mr. B had to take a Goldman visual field test and the results showed that with his visual field cut he will most likely never be able to drive. It's pretty hard news to hear but as Mr. Bichler said, "there isn't too much that we can do to change the situation". When considering all that has transpired this year this certainly is not the end of the world. We will continue to count our many blessings as we begin a new chapter in our lives. We are very fortunate that we can still do all of the things we enjoy, together.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are both very fortunate and blessed. Live every day together as if it was the last. Hold each other in your hearts daily.
