Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 22

Today was an easy day, trying to pace ourselves.  Betty wanted to make French toast for breakfast so that is what we did.  After breakfast Betty spent about 2 hours rewriting her journal of our travels thus far.  So we relived each day until she finally had each detail written just the way she remembered it.  Andy and I walked around the complex checking out the pool and the Sam Snead Club House.  My neighbor, Beth, made my day when she called to let me know that after a walk through our house there were no broken or frozen pipes from the frigid temperatures back home.  Plans for the day were simple, dinner at Boston's Restaurant and Sports Bar to watch the game at 6:30.  It was one of only a few places that gets the Big Ten Network.  Sharon and I did manage to work in a little tennis before dinner. I know it has been years since I played any tennis and Sharon said the same.  We actually did better than we expected and spent 45 minutes hitting the ball around.  Betty tagged along a was our ball girl for a while before she got bored of watching our extreme tennis skills.  We may pay later for our exuberance at trying so hard not to look as though it has been 10+ years since we last played. We decided not to keep score because neither of us could jump the net if we won.

Boston's was great.  We started with bacon wrapped steak skewers as an appetizer for tip off.  The Buckeyes were playing Iowa.  We were seated in a booth and the game was on one of the TVs over the bar.  Our entrees came at halftime and dessert helped bring the Bucks home during the last 5 minutes.  Next time, though, we have to find a place with a dance floor to keep Betty occupied.  I thought she might cause a riot when a couple blocked our view of the tv screen.  This was quite amusing because of the fact that I don't think she watched one minute of the game yet she felt compelled to speak out on our behalf and had the waitress ask them to move.  During the last 3 minutes she must have asked, "how much time left now?" at least 10 times!  Yep, Betty is not one to sit still for very long. Tomorrow we will try to wear her out at the Naples Zoo.

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