Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday, October 7

Basketball is moving along pretty smoothly. The girls are picking up the offenses quickly and next week we will start putting in defenses and the full court press, "mad dog". Mr B had "Louie and Rachel" in on the very first day. I guess there are some things even a brain injury can't erase!! I think we are going to have a really fun season with this group of girls. Practices seem to go by so quickly, as they say, "time flies when you're having a good time"! We won't really know how good we are until our first scrimmage. (*photo: 1995-outside the old gym office.)

When Mr. B isn't at school or practice he has been very busy raking and blowing the leaves in our yard. His energy level seems to be much improved the busier he becomes. I'm thinking we should put up the Christmas lights while the weather is so nice.

My buzzard's (turkey vultures) have headed south for warmer climates. When I walked Friday, they were gone. The sycamore tree seems empty without them. I will miss watching them each morning with their wings outstretched to dry in the sun, but they will be back next March. Bambi commented that she saw buzzards at her house Thursday. They were probably staging. They will gather in large groups as they prepare to begin their migration. There were about 60 here last week before they moved on. I like to think that our vultures love it here so much that they wait until the very last possible day before leaving.

1 comment:

  1. I agree it is nice weather to put up Christmas lights, but Mr. B you need to stay away from the ladders. If you need help, rememeber that certain teenager I have that would be willing to help when needed.
    Cherri S.
