Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday, July 6

After a really great week end it was back to therapy. Mondays are much more tolerable since Mr. B's discharge from physical therapy. He doesn't have therapy until noon unless he has to meet with his psychologist. So it is only 2 hours of speech and occupational therapy. Today Mrs. Kuhl picked him up after therapy so that my sister and I could have the day for ourselves. We went to the zoo and then to City BBQ and Graeter's Ice Cream. So, all the calories we burned when we walked the entire zoo we gained back in about 30 minutes! We got to see the baby languar, it was born just this morning. The adult languar monkeys are grayish black in color but the babies are born a bright orange and stay that color for about 3 months.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see Mr. Bichler is recovering fast and doing a great job!!! Keep it up! :)
    -Abby Arnold
