Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28

This morning Sharon and I decided to tackle the trail to the top of Diamond Head crater. We left early hoping to beat the heat. It was raining when we arrived at the trail head which actually made it much cooler. The hike wasn't bad at all until we reached the stairs. Three sets 74, 99 and 43 steps in
the .8 mile trail to the bunker at the top for a spectacular view of Honolulu, the Diamond Head lighthouse and the crater. Wow, what an experience. After dinner, we drove to a beach on Hickam Airforce base for the sunset. Tomorrow we fly to Kaui'a. I won't be able to post until Friday. Until then, Aloha!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Rainy and gloomy here today, so the pictures look even more beautiful. Hope dinner turned out well. Folks thought it funny Sharon calling all this way for the potato casserole recipe. Looking forward to Friday's post.
