Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday, June 10

 Pony rides at the zoo, it was a little hot here.  Check out Peg in the background, wilting.

 Luke was a little unhappy that he was not tall enough to ride the big pony
 Lily was driving the Tundra Buggy at the playground in Polar Frontier.
 The animal show is lots of fun at the Pavilion.  Lots of action from the animal participants.
 Can't go to the zoo without riding the merry to round.

 How did that siamang get so high in that tree?
 We decided it probably was not a good idea to put all 3 adults on the same side of the boat.
 Luke monkeying around
Luke and Mylee on the hammerhead shark, Lily has finally fallen asleep.
I know, I know.  It has been over a week since my last post.  I did try several times to upload a video of Andy giving his touching talk about Gary but for whatever reason it just would not work.  I really have been pretty busy and I am still way behind on all my yard work.  I have one out of three flower beds mulched, the smallest one.  I do have an excuse or at least I will use it as one.  Trish, Chad, Luke and Lily came in late Tuesday evening for Ed and Peg's surprise 40th Anniversary party.  We have been to the zoo, the metro park, the movies and just hanging out.  This morning I had been asked to give the message at church while Pastor Pat is on vacation with her family.  It went really well and everyone seemed to enjoy both services.  The Childrens Sermon is the scariest part and I was getting really excited when I looked out and did not see any children.  But before long, the sound of tiny foot steps running towards the sanctuary let me know that I was not off the hook.  I lost them soon after my opening statement.  I just don't understand, for years I had complete control of 30 middle school students in a gym setting for 40 minutes and now I can't even get more than 4 words out  before 5 toddlers are running wildly around the altar.  Oh well, it was rather entertaining and perhaps my children's message did catch the attention of some of the adults. Our handbell choir auditioned for a wedding gig following the service.  I am a little excited because the wedding is going to be at the Darby Dan Farms and I have heard that it is a beautiful venue.  Luckily I will be home from Hawaii for the September wedding.  Following our bell practice I picked up several pizzas from Flyer's and scooted home to spend a few hours with the grandkids before they headed back to Dover.  Ed and Peg came over and we all enjoyed the kids until it was time for them to leave.
 Swimming at Pop Ed's and Grandma Peg's 40th Anniversary Party.

 Mylee doing a head first slide.
 Luke looks like he is walking on water.
 Trish taking the kids and Grandma and Pop Foulk on a jungle ride through the woods.
Oh, my....was that a Big Foot?  No it was Grandma Bichler hiding in the woods.  Later we ran out of gas and daddy had to bring gas to the end of the road and save us.

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