Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday, May 2

Today was dedicated to learning more about Delaware history. Mr. Bichler did get his flea-market fix by going to Spence's Bazaar and from there we went to Dover Days in downtown Dover. Since Delaware was the 1st state of the union, Dover the capitol is a very old and historic town. In the square in front of the capitol building they were having a traditional May Dance and there were many people dressed in period costumes. Of course once you got away from the square, it looked very much like our very own Ox Roast with the exception that instead of having roast ox sandwiches they had crab cakes and grilled shrimp. After lunch we drove north about an hour to Fort Delaware. It was really interesting and it sat out in the bay on Pea Island and we had to take a ferry out to the fort. Luke really enjoyed the ride. Once at the fort they had soldiers in the fort that talked about the history. The fort was used during the Civil War and held Confederate prisoners. They also had the first ever flush toilets. The toilets flushed into the moat that surrounded the fort. Guess that might be almost as good as crocodiles!
*pic 1 is the capitol building in Dover, pic 2 inside Ft. Delaware, pic 3 shows the moat around the fort.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you all had a great time in Delaware with the family. Happy Birthday Mr. Bichler! The Middle School Staff can't wait to see you soon!

