Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2

Up early today for outpatient therapy at 9 a.m. Really worked a lot on some of the weaker core muscle groups as well as re-taking the Berg balance test. (scored a 53/56) Worked on a stepper machine and also a weight exercise program for arm and shoulder muscles. After therapy we went to Tuttle and had lunch at Friday's thanks to a gift card compliments of our friends and fellow staff members at school. Then we saw a jeweler about re-sizing Mr. Bichler's wedding ring. They had to take it off for surgery but now he can't get it on. His ring was a size 9 and his knuckle is a size 11. We also walked through Sears to look at tools and then came home. Mr. B is still napping so I guess the shopping really wore him out.
*Not sure which basketball team this is but I think it is 74 or 75. Coaches are Mr. Bichler and Mr. Ridewood (taught 8th grade English before Mr. Mere).


  1. hey you look good. every one misses you. your sub needs to make the test harder because i'ev got'en an a+ on all of them. and i have an a+ in your class. i really hope you come back.
    breanna byrum

  2. hey mr.b i just wanted to tell you that they let us in to the high school play. you shold come see it. it is may 15 and 16. you'd like it it's about hillbillys.
