Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday, January 14

Lily playing her new Dora guitar. She can play it with her hands, feet and bottom!

You gotta love recycled toys. I knew I would need these some day.

We even have the cloud mobile and Mr. Cloud Sweeper, the Rainbow car and the bad guy, Mr. Freeze (I think that was his name)

Well I have Dora and the Piggie Pirates and Diego Saves Christmas committed to memory which is really saying something since I don't have much of a memory to begin with. Lily has been a gem and we are having so much fun. She is non-stop energy though and the more tired she gets the more she moves as if she knows that if she slows down she would fall asleep. Last night she was asleep by 7:30 and she slept until 7:30 this morning. This morning we broke out the girl's Care Bear set and Lily spent a lot of time playing with them. We did bundle up once to take Molly out and get the mail but we were not out longer than 5 minutes, they say the temperature will stay in the 20s today. Grandma Peg and Pop Pop Ed just got Lily so I'm going to take the dog on an abbreviated walk and then head to the store, something I planned to do yesterday but it was just too cold to do either with Lily. Trish and Luke have pictures on Facebook and it looks like they are having a great time too. I'm hoping the weather warms just a little so Lily and I can make it up to the zoo next week. Monday is a holiday and free admission so I think we will skip the crowds that may be taking advantage of that. Maybe Wednesday. Stay warm!

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